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Friday, April 8, 2011

Pasang Iklan Baris Gratis/Premium

Baru meluncur tempat pasang iklan baris GRATIS atau PREMIUM Klik DIsini
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Belajar Internet Marketing

Saat ini penulis sampaikan buat temen-temen bagaimana belajar menjadi Internet Marketing....ehmm ada tempat belajar yang cukup baik bagi penulis.
Coba gabung deh di ASIAN BRAIN IMC sambil belajar kita bisa dapatin duit lho....coba aja deh??!
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Thursday, April 7, 2011

Menampilkan Judul Artikel Dari Kategori Tertentu Secara Otomatis Di Sidebar

Kali ini saya akan membahas bagaimana cara menampilkan kategori tertentu di wordpress. Seperti terlihat di sidebar blog ini terdapat beberapa daftar judul artikel yang ditampilkan dari kategori tertentu, seperti: Tutorial Blog, WordPress, Joomla, dll. Tampilannya tidak jauh berbeda jika kita memasang widgets Recent Posts kan? Hal ini juga memudahkan promosi artikel kita untuk lebih banyak dibaca oleh pengunjung. Dan otomatis jumlah page views blog kita akan bertambah.bootingskoBlog

Cara menampilkan beberapa judul artikel berdasarkan kategori tertentu di tidak menyediakan widgetsnya. Namun kita bisa menggunakan widgets RSS untuk mengambil feed dari blog kita sendiri. Dan ternyata cara ini juga berhasil untuk mengambil feed dari posting yang dikelompokkan berdasarkan kategori tertentu.
Berikut adalah cara memasangnya:
Langkah pertama:
  1. Silahkan login ke admin Anda.
  2. Klik [Settings] > [Reading].
  3. Pada Syndication feeds show the most recent, isikan jumlah sindikasi yang akan ditampilkan. Hal ini berguna untuk menampilkan jumlah posting di widgets RSS nantinya.
  4. Dan klik tombol [Save Changes].
Langkah kedua:
  1. Aktifkan widgets Categories Anda.
  2. Pada sisi kiri halaman  klik menu [Appearance] > [Widgets].
  3. Pada halaman ‘Widgets’ pilih widgets [Categories] yang ingin anda pasang di sidebar dengan meng-klik tahan dan geser ke menu [Sidebar].
  4. Setelah anda letakkan di menu ‘Sidebar’, klik tombol [Save].
Langkah ketiga:
  1. Buka halaman blog Anda.
  2. Lihat tampilan widget Categories yang telah aktif di sidebar Anda.
  3. Kemudian arahkan kursor tepat pada salah satu judul kategori dan klik [Copy Link Location] untuk mengambil URL dari judul kategori tersebut. 
    Menggunakan browser Mozilla Firefox
  4. Selanjutnya paste-kan dulu di notepad.
    Contoh URL kategori:
Langkah keempat :
  1. Kembali lagi ke Admin Anda.
  2. Sekarang aktifkan widgets RSS.
  3. Kemudian copy URL kategori yang ditaruh di notepad tadi dan paste-kan pada kolom [Enter the RSS feed URL here:].
  4. Berikan judul widgets RSS pada kolom [Give the feed a title (optional):] sesuai keinginan Anda
  5. Dan silahkan tentukan jumlah item/judul posting yang tampil pada [How many items would you like to display?], jangan isikan melebihi poin 3 (tiga) pada Langkah pertama diatas.
  6. Jika selesai klik tombol [Save].
Biasanya untuk sesaat feed tidak akan tampil, tunggulah beberapa menit hingga proses sindikasi selesai dan item akan tampil.
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Friday, April 1, 2011

14 Tips to Improve Your Article Writing and Article Marketing

Everything online requires content, and articles are just one form of content. Learning how to write articles and create content should be a focal point for anyone looking to start a business or even a hobby online, after all like the saying goes, content is king.
Here are some tips to help you write better articles:
1. Write with an end goal in mind. Different types of articles work for different reasons. If you are looking for syndication and publication on authority websites, you’re not going to want short, full of fluff 300 word articles. Instead, you’ll want to go with long informative 800-1000 word articles that actually deliver quality information on your topic, in a format that works well for ezine and authority publishers.
2. Do your research beforehand. The better you know the topic, the easier it will be to write for it. Simply by knowing your topic, you can drastically cut down on the time it takes to create informative articles your readers will enjoy. Attempt to comprehend your topic, before you sit down to write.
3. Just write. The more you write, the better you will get at it. And not just on your topic. Challenge yourself. Write on anything and everything, and your overall writing skills will improve, not to mention your typing speed. Both things will help you reduce writing time in the long end.
4. Write with the reader in mind. Instead of writing for your own purpose, think about it from the readers perspective. What is the reason they are reading your article? Are you addressing their needs and concerns? If you can get into the mind of your reader and what they are seeking from you and your writing, you’ll be better equipped to write an article they will appreciate.

5. If you are writing for back links, keywords matter.
If you are writing for readers, forget about them. Keywords only help you get found in the search engines. If you are preparing high quality articles for syndication, you’ll get the readers from the sites you are published to. That’s not to say you want to go completely off topic, simply that keywords aren’t vital, and if you are writing on topic anyways, the search engines will figure out where you belong in their search results. As Google recommends, create your content for your reader, to improve your chances of ranking well in Google. In my articles, I have found that to be true.
6. Learn to craft captivating titles. Titles are one of the most important parts of the article marketing and writing battle. It doesn’t matter how informative or well written your article is, if the title doesn’t make readers open the article. Spend some time on your title. Actually focus on making it reader friendly and interesting. Your bottom line will thank you for this.
7. Write with passion. If you are bored to tears by your topic, chances are your writing is going to reflect your boredom, be dry and present less than glamorous prose. If you are in love with your topic, it will shine through your words and come across to the reader. This is one reason many suggest when you are just getting started to go with a passion. It is much simpler to write about something that you get emotional about, than to write about something you have no emotional investment in.
8. Don’t proof read and spell check as your write. Stopping and changing your mind frame from creation to editing can interrupt your flow of thought. Instead focus on getting the thoughts and ideas down, and then go back and do the spelling and grammar checks. You’ll find your mind thinks and writes that much quicker by using this method.
9. Focus on quality. There will forever be the debate over quality and quantity. Few take into consideration that quality will naturally breed quantity, through syndication and other methods. If you are consistently providing high quality articles, publishers will love utilizing your content and do so on a regular basis. And the more publishers that take notice of your work, the more targeted traffic you will be getting. Much more targeted traffic then that coming from article directories and other such places.
10. Turn off your word count tool. Stop checking the word count and simply write until the idea has been fully explained to the reader. If that takes 300 words so be it. If it takes 1000, then let it. Stopping the flow of ideas simply to stay in line with a word count is a sure fire way to leave your articles lacking that finished feel.
11. Read. Yes, read. The more you read and the more you expand your horizons, the better your writing will be. Simply taking in the written word, exploring and understanding other writing methods and formations will help you in your own writing. It can also help you increase your vocabulary and find styles that really reach out and grab readers by the eyeballs.
12. Check out what the competition is doing, and do it better. If your competition is providing lackluster articles, that barely wet your taste for the subject, go above and beyond, and your readers will notice. By knowing what kind of content you are trying to compete with, you can improve your own skills and marketing mindset.
13. Use the language of your target audience. If you are writing for highly educated people, your writing should reflect that. If you are writing for mass appeal, stick to relatively lower level writing, think grade 8 levels. If a grade 8 student could read and interpret what you are saying, you have succeeded. If they cannot, you may want to revise your writing style and language.
14. Understand that writing is a skill. And as such, needs to be constantly worked upon. Malcolm Gladwell stated in “Outliers” it takes 10,000 hours to master something. Master writing by continually working on it and the improvement of your skills. And by the time you reach 10,000 hours of work, you’ll have mastered the skill and no longer need others tips and technique to make your writing vibrant and a success.
Hopefully these tips will help you master article writing and marketing. In the end, all that matters is that you actually do it. No amount of tips or tricks are going to help you if you don’t just get started and get that writing underway. Begin writing and over time your skills and abilities will improve, and your writing will reflect your growing knowledge and skills. Writing starts the same way for everyone, with a blank page waiting to be filled. Get started filling yours today.

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